A dream about my grandmother

I just had a dream about my grandmother. Well, I actually had quite a few dreams about her before waking up, but the last one was really impactful.

I was walking in church looking for a place to sit and found an open space, but people sitting in that space told me it's reserved for their family, so I had to get up and find someplace else to sit. I walked around and saw my grandmother sitting next to an open space. She saw me and immediately invited me to sit next to her. For the first time I experienced the feeling of deep wistfulness and longing, as the feeling I got when I saw her is comforting. I walked up to the open space and she said: "You've forgotten about me, haven't you?", looking visibly upset. The space she kept open was just big enough for me to sit down comfortably, as if she's been waiting for me all this time. I embraced her tightly and warmly, wondering if the break she took from our household has made her a bit stronger.

During her last days on earth she was pretty much crippled. So seeing her so lively and put on weight really made me feel so happy. In my dream I could see her entire face as I knew it to look like which I normally cannot visualize as I have a really bad imagination.

This dream made my day, even if it hadn't even started yet. 


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