Writing + Art?

 I'm thinking about learning how to write creatively. I've always considered myself good at language, even though I use surface language for most of the writing I do. I have made a post describing how I struggle with emotional self-expression, so I see this as a way to improve my expression on paper. I've already planned out a few character names with their descriptions and everything. The only thing holding me back is the quality of writing I will be presenting, especially the flow of the story. I don't really like the idea of not being able to write this story without having the best writing skill I possibly could possess, but we've got to start somewhere, don't we?

I'm not the type to give out spoilers or trailers, so here are just the MC's names:

Yes. It's fantasy. Like your average twilight fantasy novel, but this is going to be more like a web novel or a wattpad story. There are realms, gods (called aspects) and romance involved in the story. Sorry, but the romance part is probably the part I am most excited about. Three of them are within the LGBTQ+ and their personalities are super cliché. They'll still have specific traits that will make them more realistic as characters.

I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it, but I was going to try and illustrate them as well. But the possibility is very close to 0%. Drawing people is harder than drawing landscapes or even animals. It's something I still need to practice. The bottom two characters in the list have very specific body traits, which makes them extra hard to illustrate. I could draw them from reference images, but it'll still take time.

I can't wait to flesh out the first part of this story so I can get to the next part. The writing part is going to be hard, but I'm going to take my time making it the way I want it to be. 


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